Data Processing (VRM)

The data obtained from the multi-fidelity simulation software (VRM) consists of node deviations, these need to be processed and mapped to the corresponding voxel location as voxel features using the mapping index for the nominal cloud of point (comes with the downloaded files for the case study with 64*64*64 resolution, different resolution mapping index can be generated using the voxelization utility).

Contains classes and methods to process the VRM data and convert it to the format as required by the 3D CNN model

class dlmfg.core.data_import.GetTrainData[source]

GetTrainData Class (No initialization parameter)

data_convert_voxel_mc(vrm_system, dataset, point_index, kcc_data=Empty DataFrame Columns: [A] Index: [])[source]

data converts the node deviations to voxelized output

  • vrm_system – Object of the VRM System class

  • dataset (list (required)) – list of concatenated dataset consisting of x,y,z deviations for each node

  • point_index (numpy.array [nodes*3] (required)) – mapping index

  • kcc_data (numpy.array [samples*kcc_dim] (required)) – Process parameter data


input_conv_data, voxelized data for model input

Return type

numpy.array [samples*voxel_dim*voxel_dim*voxel_dim*3]


kcc_data_dump, process/parameter data for model output

Return type

numpy.array [samples*kcc_dim]


kpi_data_dump, KPI data (if any) for each sample, convergence flag (convergence of simulation model) is always the first KPI

Return type

numpy.array [samples*kpi_dim]

data_import(file_names, data_folder)[source]

data import used to import all files within the given folder and concatenate them into one dataframe

  • file_names – List of the input files

  • data_folder (str (required)) – data folder name


dataframe of concatenated data from each file within the list

Return type

pandas.dataframe [samples,point_dim]


load_mapping_index is used to import the mapping index


index_file (str (required)) – index file name


array of mapping index (i,j,k) for each node (x,y,z)

Return type

numpy.array [point_dim*3]